We have had this rock for almost 9 yrs. We did some landscaping around our home when we 1st moved here and Jamie found it. It's almost hard to believe, there was so much rock Jamie had to use the skidloader to move it around the house. How he ever found this rock is amazing but he did and we've had it ever since. Every once in awhile it comes out and tonight Austin's was looking for something in the closet and comes out with "the rock". I believe God is telling me something so this time I'm not putting it back in the closet...it's going to stay out so everyone can see it! Lord, your words are so quiet but so powerful. I love you!
Jamie has also picked up another side job helping a guy build storage units in town. God's helping us raise the money we need and I love it!! If you or someone you know needs an extra hand let us know!
Have an amazing Sunday and as always take a moment to thanks God for your life and all your blessings. Even if life "sucks" somedays, just imagaine what it would be like if we didn't have him watching our backs. Whew scarey thought!
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