We may not be able to save every child, but we can respond one at a time. Do not be discouraged by numbers, but instead be encouraged that when we feed, visit, love and clothe an orphan- we did it for Christ. I tell you the truth- whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40

Friday, February 26, 2010

It was than that I carried you...

Most of you don't know but about a month ago I started looking ahead to this day and for a moment it overwhelmed me or maybe a better word would be scared me but than I prayed as I knew I had to trust that the Lord would give me everything I needed to get through this day. Today was our sweet little girls 1st birthday. This morning was kinda hard so I spent some time before work in prayer and God provided. I was so busy at work I didn't get out of there until 3pm, just in time to pick up the boys from school get Herbalife delivered to my clients to make it home before 5, pack and head to my sisters. As I was talking to Jamie today about my busy day I realized it was God's way of carrying me through. So today I thank the Lord for allowing me to have the kind of peace that can only come from Him, for giving us such a precious little face that we long to hold and love forever and also to wish our beautiful angel a Happy Birthday! I love you more than you could ever imagine.

When I came home from work this is what I found on the counter...flowers to Amara from my mother. Brought tears to my eyes!!

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