We may not be able to save every child, but we can respond one at a time. Do not be discouraged by numbers, but instead be encouraged that when we feed, visit, love and clothe an orphan- we did it for Christ. I tell you the truth- whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40
After long thoughts, conversations and prayer Jamie and I have decided to close our nutrition club and sell Herbalife from home like I did prior to coming here. The economy played a big part in our decision however the biggest one was the thought of sitting here when I have and know I could do this from home while my sweet daughter is at a daycare. That just didn't settle well with me and as our days get fewer and fewer it was time to make a change. The people I rent from have many business, gas stations, car washes, and car dealer. They do all they're booking keeping in the offices next to me, well when I told them I was going to close as of Mar 1st they offered me a part time position. My 1st thought was no, I'm going home. Than Jamie and I talked more and we talked more with them and decided that I would try this only until we get travel dates and at that time we would need to see if it works for them and works for me to continue. I hope I'm only an employee until April hehe. They also said maybe we could work something out where I could come in later, after Jamie is home but we'll see. They are great people, today they told me that I could keep my product in a back room and continue to weigh/measure my people. God is so good and He's put some real amazing people in our lives. So as of Mar 1st we will close the club and I will be employed by Mulder Oil working Mon - Fri from 9am - 1pm and I start this coming Monday. This will be different for me, I've never had a boss, always been self employed. Please pray that this is a smooth transition.
Adoption Update: Notarized/Appastilled docs for update on Dossier #1 and some for Dossier #2 are in the mail to our agency. Hang on Miss A, mom is so close to coming for you.
When I saw this I just had to smile, it's exactly how I feel some days. haha
Note to self: Change blog layout, it may be causing this long winter...
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