We may not be able to save every child, but we can respond one at a time. Do not be discouraged by numbers, but instead be encouraged that when we feed, visit, love and clothe an orphan- we did it for Christ. I tell you the truth- whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Yea! I got 3 things checked off

Yea I did it, I got 3 items checked off. Employment Letter on Jamie, Employment Letter for myself which had to come from our accountant since I'm self employed. Can you honestly believe it, I called him yesterday and he called they were done this morning, I never imagined it being that fast since he's right in the middle of tax time. Prayer works. That reminds me, there's a really neat website a friend shared with me. You can find it here, you put in a prayer request and people will actually pray for you and some email you to let you know they prayed and you can do the same. Its really neat. Ok back to what I was here for. I was also able to get a certified marriage licenses. That makes 3 check marks. I hope to have the others finished up by Friday. They have the home study and documents on the list but we are waiting on that. The HS needs to be updated May 13 and after talking to our agency today they said we should wait and maybe we'd be home from 1st trip by the 13th and than it would need to be amended before court anyway which would save us a few $$. We are doing some extra paper chasing now for our Dossier #2 that needs to be complete before court. Our agency is awesome, they have us do all this work ahead for time so theres no delay in court dates and we don't have to run around like crazy after we get home form trip 1.

I'm pleased with the day, now its time to follow up on a few of my weight loss clients and get ready for another PS MAPPS class.

Please contuine to pray for all the waiting families and all the children waiting, in orphanages and in foster care. I'm lifting Dawn and Rob up to the Lord, their court date is just around the corner and they get to see their daughter tomorrow!!

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