We may not be able to save every child, but we can respond one at a time. Do not be discouraged by numbers, but instead be encouraged that when we feed, visit, love and clothe an orphan- we did it for Christ. I tell you the truth- whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40
Tristan ended his 1st hockey season on Sat. I am so so proud of him, he started in Nov after never being on the ice, he struggled and his coaches said that he wouldn't play in games this year because of his abilities. He didn't accept that, he started watching you tube videos on how to stop, how to skate backwards and techniques,and went to every open skate he could. He sat the bench his 1st game and that was also the last one. He gave it all he had and played in every game there after. I have enjoyed the season and will like my free time back yet hate to see it end. He will move up next year to the Bantams so we have decided to put him in a week long camp this summer to sharping up his skills. I'm such a proud mom and even though he wasn't the best player I'm super proud of him for never giving up even when the odds we against him.
This week we complete week 7 of 10 in our MS MAPP class, as long as weather doesn't delay any classes we should have our licenses mid March, take a little break and hopefully head to Russia mid April. I will be calling our agency this week to see what they're thinking for travel dates :)
We have friends in Florida waiting for their little boy to come across from Haiti and are running into some unexpected snags. Please pray for these families and also the children. They have already been through so much!
Our day countdown on the fridge says...
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