We may not be able to save every child, but we can respond one at a time. Do not be discouraged by numbers, but instead be encouraged that when we feed, visit, love and clothe an orphan- we did it for Christ. I tell you the truth- whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

T ~ Shirts



I know you'd think I have my nights and days mixed up, I tell you the T~Shirts will be posted in the morning and I don't show up til 11pm. Well thats the way it goes around here when you own your own business, plus I was super busy today getting my banner ready for the Home Show which I'll show you all tomorrow when I have it finished. OK the wait is over here are the T~shrts and they are for sale on my fundrasier blog. I also wanted to let you know that I talked with our HS Agent today and she hopes to have our HS written up by Friday however that doesn't mean that it gets notarized and finalized because EAC needs to review and approve it 1st, so let's pray that the 1st draft comes back with little to minor corrections so we can get the paperwork to Russia and begin the wait!I will update you tomorrow night as we'll have our 1st day at the Home Show finished until than have an amazing evening.

Lots of Love

1 thoughts or words of encouragment:

♥♥♥♥♥ Jennifer™® ♥♥♥♥♥ said...

your blog is very good......

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