We may not be able to save every child, but we can respond one at a time. Do not be discouraged by numbers, but instead be encouraged that when we feed, visit, love and clothe an orphan- we did it for Christ. I tell you the truth- whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40
I've been a little behind here so bear with me as I get everything updated...maybe I should start another blog LOL. Between email, Facebook and 2 Blogs it's almost full time! I talked with our agency today about foreign fees. I think reality is beginning to hit cause that freaked me out some. It's OK time has passed and everything will work out...Please stick with me Lord! Leslie also called to let us know the draft of the Home Study is complete so I'm running to Sioux City tomorrow to pick it up that way Jamie and I can read it over, make necessary changes and than let our agency take a look at it before it's finalized for Russia. As a family we've decided that the boys will not be going to Russia with us, there are many reason but primarily the cost and they aren't allowed in the orphanage or the region in which we would be traveling so they would have to stay in Moscow which would mean we'd have to bring another adult with us to stay with them and we aren't willing to let them in Russia under someone elses care. They were a little disappointed at first but after we talked it over with them they understand.
Tristan had another ortho appt today and we still need to get 2 more teeth pulled, these should be the last 2, they need more room on the top in order to move his teeth back...he has a terrible over bite. He will get braces as soon as we get those teeth out, his next appt is April 22.
No worries we planted the money tree out back so all will be fine by mid summer :)
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