We may not be able to save every child, but we can respond one at a time. Do not be discouraged by numbers, but instead be encouraged that when we feed, visit, love and clothe an orphan- we did it for Christ. I tell you the truth- whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The gift of being santa

With a 14 and 13 year old it's been awhile since we've played santa but we had tons of fun. The difference was we had 4 santas instead of 2. The excitment in the house when everyone first wakes up Christmas morning is beyond words, they can never find the gifts fast enough. They 1st looked on the deck, than in the front yard and as they turned to look out the other window Jazmine saw the wagon. I missed these days more than I knew. We had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you Lord for sending us the gift of your son and for blessing our family this very special Christmas.

Seriously, he was SUPPOSE to be helping Jamie..

"Santa" loading up the wagon.

These have always been my favorite. The Oh My! look

Our "santas" dont seem to enjoy the camera. haha

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